What We Do
Working within our Club, Region, and Federation, we focus on service projects that support the mission of Soroptimist, improving the lives of women and girls. We spend most of our time working together on service projects, award programs, and hosting the very popular annual Microbrew Festival held at Manzanita Place in Chico, all to benefit women and girls in our community and throughout the world.
Why Women and Girls
Soroptimist means “best for women” and that’s what we strive to be – an organization of women at their best helping other women to be their best. As a volunteer organization of business and professional women, we feel uniquely qualified to help women and girls live their dreams. It’s true that both men and women live in poverty, face discrimination and must overcome obstacles. But throughout history – in every country in the world – women and girls have faced additional obstacles and discrimination solely because of their gender.
By initiating Club projects that benefit women and girls, and by honoring women who help women and girls, Soroptimist clubs and members improve the status of women and girls. Soroptimist projects and programs aid women economically, and empower them to make positive changes in their lives and their communities.
How We Work
Soroptimists operate within (5) broad focus areas: Program, Membership, Public Awareness, Fundraising, and Club Administration.
- Programs and initiatives allow us the opportunity to enable women and girls to achieve social and economic empowerment.
- Membership enhances our member’s Soroptimist experience through club growth and development, social activities, networking, club communication, Soroptimist orientation and leadership training, and Legislative Advocacy.
- Public Awareness promotes awareness of the Soroptimist organization in the community through our service, programs, website, newsletters, and social media presence on Facebook.
- Fundraising makes it possible for our Club to support not only our award programs, but also to contribute to our community and world when the need arises.
- Club Administration is where our members focus their efforts on budget management and Club finances, bylaws, standing rules, and the election of Club officers. The Board of Directors is responsible for conducting the business of our Club on behalf of and in collaboration with our members. Serving as an officer adds another level of involvement and provides leadership development opportunities. Soroptimists are all leaders in their professions and in their community.